Eko Eko Azarak: Wizard of Darkness

Kimika Yoshino stars in this supernatural thriller as Misa Kuroi, a teen with powers of wizardry she only wants to use for good. But when she and 12 of her schoolmates are locked down in the school by a ghostly force that’s picking them off one by one, Misa must be ready to fight for everyone’s survival, including her own.

 Title:  Eko Eko Azarak:Wizard of Darkness
 Year:  1995
 Country:  Japan
 Director:  Shimako Sato
 Actors: Kimika Yoshino, Naozumi Takahashi
 Language:  Japanese
 Subtitles:  English
 Runtime:  82 Minutes
 Rating:  NR
 Related Videos:  Eko Eko Azarak II: Birth of a WizardEko Eko Azarak III: Misa the Dark Angel

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