Following the tragic death of his wife, a top undercover police-office, played by Jackie Chan protégé Kenny Ho, resigns from the force to take up a position as a chief security officer on a luxury cruise liner. When the ship falls victim to a sophisticated terrorist sting operation, instigated by the men under his command, he must use his formidable martial arts skills to beat the odds and keep himself and the other passengers alive! Electrifying stunts and red-hot fight action featuring two of Hong Kong’s battling babes,Christy Chung and Elaine Lui.
Title | Red Wolf |
Year | 1995 |
Country | China / Hong Kong |
Director | Woo-ping Yuen |
Actors | Christy Chung, Elaine Lui, Kenny Ho, Sing Ngai, Cheung-Yan Yeun |
Language | Cantonese, English |
Subtitles | English |
Runtime | 90 Minutes |
Rating | NR |